Buffalo Workplace
Injury Attorney

Can I Sue My Employer For A Workplace Injury?

If you were injured at a work site in New York, your employer may have told you that your only source of benefits is New York State Workers’ Compensation. This may not be the case.

At The Joy E. Miserendino Law Firm, P.C., we file claims for injuries caused by unsafe work conditions under New York Labor Law 240. This law allows you to recover money damages beyond workers’ compensation if you are injured under certain circumstances. If you were injured as the result of a dangerous condition where you work, call us at 716-854-1005 to schedule a free consultation. With offices in Buffalo and Fredonia, we represent workers throughout upstate New York, including undocumented workers.

When Can I Sue For A Work Injury?

There are many circumstances when you can sue your employer, a property owner, another contractor or someone else for a work injury. The following are examples:

  • You were injured in a trip-and-fall accident due to debris on a walkway.
  • You were injured by a defective machine.
  • Your employer removed safety guards from a machine.
  • You were injured by objects dropped from an elevated work site.
  • You fell from an unsafe scaffold.
  • Your employer violated Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, and you were injured as a result.

Attorney Joy Ellen Miserendino will review your case and ensure that you receive all the compensation you are due from all parties responsible for your injuries.

Talk To A Lawyer About Your Work Injury Today

We offer a free initial consultation to review your workplace accident case and discuss your options. Call attorney Joy E. Miserendino at 716-854-1005 or complete our schedule a free consultation.


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